Gau beltza

Gau beltza


Anari está revuelta, en casa no tienen tregua: quisiera celebrar Halloween, pero su madre se niega rotundamente, dice que es una fiesta yanqui y que no aporta valor alguno. En ese tipo de situaciones, Anari huye al mar; surfear es su forma de evadirse. Últimamente viene mucho al mar. Pero no tiene intención de desistir, y gracias a un trabajo escolar, su abuelo le contará que de joven ellos también celebraban un día similar, que robaban, vestían y escondían calabazas por el pueblo. No era más que una chiquillada para asustar al vecindario. Emocionada, Anari atará hilos y revivirá junto a sus amigos una costumbre ancestral.


Anari is upset. At home there is no truce: she would like to celebrate Halloween, but her mother flatly refuses by saying it is a Yankee holiday that brings nothing new. On such occasions, Anari flees to the sea. Surfing is her way of escaping. In these times, she goes often to the sea. Nevertheless, she has no intention of giving up. Thanks to a school assignment, her grandfather tells her that when he was young, they also celebrated a similar day, during which they robbed, dressed up and hid pumpkins all around town. Just a kids’ game to scare the neighborhood. Thrilled, Anari will bring threads together and, with her friends, relive an ancestors’ custom.

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