Etorkizun ez oso urrun batean, aldaketa klimatikoak ekarritako hondamendiaren ondoren, Euskal Herri gehiena urpean dago, eta ur gainean geratzen den apurra lehengo mendi-tontorrak dira, gaur egun Artxipelago moduko bat osatzen dutenak, eta bizimodua ez da erraza, ezta harremanak ere. “Artxipelagoa” podcast-fikzioa, audio formatuan arrakasta izan ondoren orain komikira jauzi egin duena.
In a not-too-distant future, after a catastrophe caused by climate change, most of the Basque Country is underwater, and all that remains is a kind of archipelago made up of the highest peaks. Life isn’t easy, nor are relationships. “Artxipelagoa”, a fiction podcast that after triumphing in audio format now makes the leap to appear as a comic.
Elkar publishing house was founded in 1975, with the aim of promoting Basque culture. Since then it has been very active as both a publisher and a record label, promoting the literary and musical works of writers and musi- cians and, at the same time, helping to fill gaps in and fulfil the needs of our culture. Thanks to the work carried out in these years, Elkar’s catalogue cur- rently holds more than 2,500 works.
© Euskal Editoreen Elkartea