Buenos Airesko La Hoz egunkarian luzetsita daude, Matxinen artikulua iristen ez delako. Ez artikulua, ez Matxin bera. Haren inguruko berririk ez dagoela jabetzean, alarmak piztu zaizkio Eduri, lagun mina baitu; Euskal Herritik ihesi alde egin zuenean, Matxinek lagundu zion Argentinara. Bizi-bizi ari da Eduren burua, arriskuak ez baitira gutxi: ultra-eskuinak bahituko al zuen laguna, edo zerbitzu sekretuek? Nongotarrek, baina? Edo Euskal Herrira itzultzea erabaki ote du, berari ezer esan gabe? Sortuz gero inoiz desagertu ez diren beldurrak, mamuak, kontzientzia txarra, eldarnioak…
Guztiak hasi dira dantzan Eduren baitan, bizitokiaren eta sorterriaren, iraganaren eta orainaren, errealitatearen eta fantasiaren arteko espiral zoro batean. Bahituta nor edo zer egon den ez jakiteraino.
The writing team for the Buenos Aires newspaper La Hoz are growing patient: Matxin’s article isn’t in yet. Matxin is also nowhere to be seen. When his best friend Edu – who fled the Basque Country with him for Argentina – realises that no one has heard from him, alarm bells start to go off. Edu’s mind runs wild, and no wonder, given the possible dangers: What if he’s been kidnapped by the extreme right? The secret service? What if he’s gone back to his homeland without telling anyone?
A melting pot of ghosts, fears, delirium and blame lies in store for Edu, who is trapped in a vicious circle to the point where he no longer knows who or what has been kidnapped.
Txalaparta is the name of a free, independent Basque publisher. We publish around 40 books per year, mainly in Basque and Spanish: Basque and world literature, political and historical non-fiction, social criticism, leftist classics, historical encyclopaedias. They are all contained within different collections: Gebara, for international fiction and non-fiction; Orreaga, for Spanish fiction and non-fiction; Amaiur, Basque fiction and non-fiction; Cuerpo y Mente, which includes non-fiction about health, nature, diet etc.; TXO!, the Basque arm of OQO, encompassing children’s literature in Basque; Clásicos, with special editions of classic texts; Literotura, the only collection of erotic literature in Basque; Rabel, which includes the biographies of musicians and artists and some of their works; Kortazar, novels by American authors of Basque origin; and Axuri Beltza, small-format children’s literature.
© Euskal Editoreen Elkartea