


Dorotea, una abuelita valiente y fuera de lo común, se encuentra con la casa llena de moscas. Este contratiempo, en apariencia simple, se va complicando a medida que busca soluciones ocurrentes. Esta historia rimada y con estructura repetitiva, esconde sorpresas y escenas divertidas, e invita a l@s lector@s a jugar y adivinar lo que vendrá después de cada página.

Esta obra ha ganado el Premio Etxepare 2021 de Álbum Ilustrado en euskera.

Dorotea, a brave, unusual grandmother, finds her home full of flies. The apparently simple mishap turns into complicated as she looks for witty solutions. This rhyming story, with a repetitive structure, hides surprises and fun scenes, inviting readers to play guessing what comes in the next page. This publication has won the Etxepare 2021 Illustrated Album Award in basque language.


Since they began in 1983, Pamiela has issued more than 1.100 titles in Basque and Spanish, with a neat design and a continuous presence in their cultural sphere. They publish fiction in Basque (narrative, poetry, children’s and young adults’ literature).