Etxea / La casa



Durante siglos la casa ha sido uno de los pilares de la sociedad vasca. Hasta tal punto, que eran las personas las que recibían el nombre de la casa. Transmitida de generación en generación, además de ser refugio, la casa ha sido el lugar de trabajo, de los ritos e incluso el cementerio. Sobre ella se articulaba todo el mundo rural. El conjunto de casas tradicionales del País Vasco conforma un patrimonio arquitectónico excepcional.

En el libro se recogen 750 fotos e ilustraciones de casas de todos los lugares del país.

For centuries, the home has been one of the pillars of Basque society, to such an extent such that the people in the house took its name. Passed from generation to generation, the home has been a refuge and the place for work, rituals and even the cemetery. The entire rural way of life was built upon it. The network of traditional houses in the Basque Country comprises an exceptional architectural heritage.

The book contains 750 photos and illustrations of houses from across the country.


Since they began in 1983, Pamiela has issued more than 1.100 titles in Basque and Spanish, with a neat design and a continuous presence in their cultural sphere. They publish fiction in Basque (narrative, poetry, children’s and young adults’ literature).