Más que un teórico, Lucio Urtubia es, ante todo, un hombre de acción. Su vida ha sido una lucha constante y, en contra de lo que piensan muchas personas, ese es su legado, el tesoro de Lucio. Basándose en interminables charlas y entrevistas con el anarquista navarro, Belatz recrea con nitidez y minuciosidad las acciones, lugares, personajes, sucesos y atmósferas que han marcado la vida de Lucio. Convertido ya en su biógrafo oficial, el ilustrador pamplonés nos narra sus vivencias más conocidas y las aventuras más desconocidas: su infancia en Cascante, las primeras expropiaciones de bancos, la forma de zafarse de la policía, cuestiones familiares y personales, la conocida negociación con el Citibank, las formas de pasar la frontera… Todo, o casi todo, queda reflejado en estas páginas llenas de acción. Porque, como nos recuerda este anarquista irreductible, “un revolucionario que no hace nada es como un cura”.
Lucio Urtubia is more than a theorist. Above all, he is a man of action. His life has been a constant battle. Contrary to what many people think, that is his legacy—Lucio’s treasure. Using countless conversations and interviews with the Navarran anarchist, Belatz meticulously and clearly recreates the action, places, people, events and atmosphere which together have defi ned Lucio’s life. The illustrator from Pamplona relates Lucio’s most famous experiences and his unknown adventures in what is now his official biography. As the irreducible anarchist himself reminds us, “a revolutionary who does nothing is like a priest”.
Txalaparta is the name of a free, independent Basque publisher. We publish around 40 books per year, mainly in Basque and Spanish: Basque and world literature, political and historical non-fiction, social criticism, leftist classics, historical encyclopaedias. They are all contained within different collections: Gebara, for international fiction and non-fiction; Orreaga, for Spanish fiction and non-fiction; Amaiur, Basque fiction and non-fiction; Cuerpo y Mente, which includes non-fiction about health, nature, diet etc.; TXO!, the Basque arm of OQO, encompassing children’s literature in Basque; Clásicos, with special editions of classic texts; Literotura, the only collection of erotic literature in Basque; Rabel, which includes the biographies of musicians and artists and some of their works; Kortazar, novels by American authors of Basque origin; and Axuri Beltza, small-format children’s literature.
© Euskal Editoreen Elkartea