Esta antología permitirá conocer la poesía de uno de los referentes de la literatura vasca actual. ¿La poesía está muerta? Hilda dago poesia? es un conjunto de poemas seleccionados y reordenados por el autor, precedidos por un prólogo del mismo.
This anthology enables the reader to discover the poetry of one of the current leading Basque literary figures. Is Poetry Dead? (Hilda dago poesia?) is a collection of poems selected and arranged by the author, including a prologue from the author himself.
Since they began in 1983, Pamiela has issued more than 1.100 titles in Basque and Spanish, with a neat design and a continuous presence in their cultural sphere. They publish fiction in Basque (narrative, poetry, children’s and young adults’ literature).
© Euskal Editoreen Elkartea