Jamaikako neska / La chica de Jamaica

JAMAIKAKO NESKA [La chica de Jamaica]


«Dafne Zorregieta Rondaall, ese es mi nombre, hija de un vasco exiliado y una holandesa afincados en México…» La protagonista, nacida en Jamaica llega al País Vasco después de una vida errante por varias ciudades: Buenos Aires, México, Madrid, Amsterdam… Su llegada coincide con el abandono de las armas de ETA, para seguir el rastro de sus abuelos y, tal vez, iniciar una nueva vida…

“Dafne Zorregieta Rondaall, that’s my name, a daughter of an exiled Basque and a Dutch woman living in Mexico …” The protagonist, born in Jamaica, arrives in the Basque Country after a wandering life in several cities: Buenos Aires, Mexico, Madrid, Amsterdam , etc. Her arrival coincides with the abandonment of ETA’s weapons, to follow the path of her grandparents and, maybe, to start a new life …


Since they began in 1983, Pamiela has issued more than 1.100 titles in Basque and Spanish, with a neat design and a continuous presence in their cultural sphere. They publish fiction in Basque (narrative, poetry, children’s and young adults’ literature).