Ekialdera garamatza liburu honek, ametsezko mundu batera, irakurleari oso hurbilekoa eginen zaion istorio batekin. Testu bizia irudi txundigarriekin nahasten da haur gezurti, lapur eta bihurri baten ibilkerak kontatzeko. Usain, paisaia eta testurak sentituko ditugu Kuoiren bidaian goazela, ahozko ipuin tradizionalek duten kontaera bereziaren bidez. Fito Rodriguezek ahozko istorio tradizional hau idatzira ekarri du, eta Irrimarra bikote artistikoak irudi eder eta ñabarduraz beterikoekin jantzi du.
Este álbum nos transporta a Oriente, a un mundo de ensueño y mediante una historia que a cualquiera se le hará familiar. El dialogado texto y las coloridas ilustraciones confluyen para narrar las andanzas de Kuoi, un niño travieso y pícaro. Lo acompañaremos en un viaje lleno de olores, paisajes y texturas, con esa forma de narrar tan característica de los cuentos populares y la tradición oral, que Fito Rodriguez ha traído al papel y la pareja artística irrimarra ha vestido con detalladas ilustraciones.
This illustrated book takes us to the enchanted Asian world through a story that would seem familiar to anyone. The dialogue writing and the colorful illustrations come together to narrate the adventures of Kuoi, a playful and naughty boy. We accompany him on a journey full of smells, landscapes, and textures with the so characteristic narrative we find in folk tales and oral tradition, brought on paper, in this case, by Fito Rodríguez and garbed with detailed drawings by the artistic couple Irimarra.
Txalaparta is the name of a free, independent Basque publisher. We publish around 40 books per year, mainly in Basque and Spanish: Basque and world literature, political and historical non-fiction, social criticism, leftist classics, historical encyclopaedias. They are all contained within different collections: Gebara, for international fiction and non-fiction; Orreaga, for Spanish fiction and non-fiction; Amaiur, Basque fiction and non-fiction; Cuerpo y Mente, which includes non-fiction about health, nature, diet etc.; TXO!, the Basque arm of OQO, encompassing children’s literature in Basque; Clásicos, with special editions of classic texts; Literotura, the only collection of erotic literature in Basque; Rabel, which includes the biographies of musicians and artists and some of their works; Kortazar, novels by American authors of Basque origin; and Axuri Beltza, small-format children’s literature.
© Euskal Editoreen Elkartea