

Nobelaren eta ipuin-bildumaren arteko lurralde paduratsuan kokatzen da Zomorrotu hau: bost istorio luze, barnean hainbat atal dituztenak, eta batetik bestera igarotzen diren pertsonaiak, pasadizoak, erreferentziak.

This work, something between a novel and a collection of short stories, includes five tales in which the characters jump from one to another, to show us how changing the focus also changes our perspective on events. The author uses acute observation, an ironic view and concise writing to create an enigmatic but at the same time magnetic narrative.


Elkar publishing house was founded in 1975, with the aim of promoting Basque culture. Since then it has been very active as both a publisher and a record label, promoting the literary and musical works of writers and musi- cians and, at the same time, helping to fill gaps in and fulfil the needs of our culture. Thanks to the work carried out in these years, Elkar’s catalogue cur- rently holds more than 2,500 works.