The Basque Publishers Association has joined the LIT-UP project to promote European literature in minority and minoritized languages in national and international markets in order to build a permanent international network.
The project partners, under the leadership of the Associació d ‘Editors del Pais Valencià, are, AFUK (Friesland), Malinc (Slovenia), Il Leone Verde (Italy), Krokodil (Serbia), Acentoline Comunicación (Granada), Goga (Slovenia) and the Association of Basque Publishers (Euskal Herria).
Euskal Editoreen Elkartea, Associació d’Editors en Llengua Catalana, Associació d’Editors del Pais Valencià eta Asociación Galega de Editoras, Editoreen Galeusca-ko kideak dira 1986 geroztik. Nazio-hizkuntzak babestea helburu harturik, bi urtean behin topaketa profesionalak antolatzen dira eta hainbat kolaborazio, hartu eman eta koedizio gauzatzen dituzte editoreek.
Liber is a fair that boosts the business and sale of books in Spanish. It is, therefore, an important showcase for Basque books to gain access to the Spanish book industry. The Spanish Publishers’ Federation organises this fair every year, alternating the cities of Barcelona and Madrid.
Organised by Ausstellungs-und Messe GmbH, the German Publishers Association, the Frankfurter Buchmesse is the most important international book, trade and publishing rights fair in the world. The Basque Language Publishers Association has a collective stand in the fair, at which it presents its latest works.
The Guadalajara Fair (Jalisco) is the most important Latin American fair as regards the negotiation of publishing rights. It is held from November.
Italiako, Bologna hirian ospatzen da haur eta gazte liburuen nazioarteko azoka garratzitsua, martxoaren bukaera aldera ospatzen da.
© Euskal Editoreen Elkartea