Mokhete era una momia poco importante en el museo. Pero también tenía derecho a ser feliz. Por eso, cuando los visitantes y vigilantes empezaron a molestar con su entrar y salir del cuarto de baño, tuvo que buscar una solución drástica. ¡Y la encontró, vaya que si la encontró!
Mokhete was a not too relevant mummy in the museum. But she, too, had the right to be happy. So, when visitors and guards started bothering her with her coming in and out of the toilets, she had to look for a radical solution. And she found it, indeed!
The Mezulari publishing house, as part of the Loyola Communication Holding, is the brand for publications in Basque. Gero Liburuak, which was shaped between the years 2010 and 2020 and was a pioneer among Basque language publishing, gave way to Mezulari in 2010. Among their first issues stand out those co-published with Euskaltzaindia’s Orotariko Euskal Hitzegia. Currently, they are mostly dedicated to publishing children’s and young adults’ literature in Basque. Series such as Bat Pat, Agatha Mystery or Mortina, among others, as well as illustrated children’s books merit to be highlighted in their catalogue.
© Euskal Editoreen Elkartea